LeadMaster Solutions Group
White-Label Branding

Proven Software Solutions 
Branded as you, or to your Clients

LeadMaster Solutions Group offers software that can be resold under your own brand as a white-label service. This saves you time and money, as you don’t have to develop or maintain software code. Our market-tested, reliable software has been helping companies grow their customer bases and increase sales for the last 25 years. We provide white-label services to give you complete control over your brand without having to start from scratch. 

Customize to meet your Requirements

A key element of LeadMaster software is that it is designed to meet the real-world needs of its users.

It can be adapted to meet the needs of most businesses:

– SuiteMaster: Powerful business application suite.
– LeadMaster: Affordable, highly customizable CRM.
– RADMaster, Develop business applications in days, not months.

A development sandbox and training are included in our partner program. Partners receive a dedicated
partner manager, co-marketing materials, product discounts, and priority support.

Make your partner engagement model work for you.

As examples, here are a few:

  • You sell directly to clients and provide support for them.
  • Customer support is provided by LeadMaster after the sale has been made.
  • You can refer a prospect or client to us. Customer service and sales will be handled by us.

The choice is yours. All of the above options can be combined, of course.


Contact us today to get started!

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