Odoo ERP & Mortgage Industry

Convert More Leads Into Loans

Mortgage firms need an efficient way to collect, distribute, and manage leads that come from a variety of sources.
Many organizations struggle because they don’t have a modern application to drive the process.
LeadMaster Solutions Group offers software specifically designed to maximize conversion of direct leads and client referrals.

We can customize our application to match your company’s specific requirements. The system will help to boost productivity,
and increase conversion rates. Once a loan is approved we will transfer key customer
information over to your preferred loan processing application.

Application Features 


Managing leads from multiple sources is a major challenge for loan companies.  Mortgages deals need to be consolidated and prioritized.  It’s imperative they are acted upon as quickly as possible. The entire process can be managed by LeadMaster using automated workflow. 


Smart Queues organize and prioritize leads from various lead sources. Mortgage loan officers will close more deals. Agents are presented with call records based on the system’s intelligent determination of their priority (score).

Your team will close more opportunities in less time. Marketing campaign ROI is easily measured.

Loan Pipeline Management

LeadMaster’s mortgage lead management application includes:

  • Compatible with Fannie Mae. with API integration
  • Integration of VoIP phones. Enhance voice quality and speed 
  • Customized workflows based on your business requirements
  • Marketing by drip. Convert long-term leads into sales
  • Leads can be assigned to your loan team easily
  • Utilize our SMART QUEUE Application to prioritize leads
  • Keep track of success. Analyze what’s working

Whether you’re a company with ten employees or ten thousand, you can trust LeadMaster and Odoo to help build and customize your mortgage marketing & tracking software. We’ll help you set it up in 48 hours. Convenient, right?

Odoo – Core Mortgage Applications

LeadMaster Solution’s Group is passionate about helping small, medium and large businesses upgrade their productivity, efficiency, and conversion rates.  Our cloud-based Odoo software solution for debt and mortgage applications offers customization, convenience, and automation that’ll leave your team smiling.