
Bad CRM Practices to Avoid

Bad CRM Examples

Introducing and implementing new business technology can be both exciting and scary. The same goes for customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Implementing a new CRM can improve business-customer relations and internal processes. However, bad CRM practices always backfire. If you’re considering a new CRM system or want to better implement an existing one, the first step is to avoid unnecessary perils by keeping in mind these bad CRM habits.

Choosing the Wrong System for Your Business

If you have yet to purchase a CRM system, make sure you do your research about the different options — and your company. Business leaders often jump into CRM purchases too quickly and fail to weigh their options properly in the process.

Before you buy, first understand the needs you have that a CRM system should meet. Features differ from system to system, so you need to find the one that can best serve your business and customers.

Choosing a CRM Your End Users Don’t Like

What may sound like a good idea in theory may fail in practice. A CRM system is only useful if its end users can understand it and use it well.

Before you decide which CRM is right for your business, take the time to talk to the people who will be using it regularly. Some CRM providers will even let you try a trial version of their product before you purchase it. If implementing the new CRM won’t improve your business processes, it’s time to move along.

Not Taking Advantage of Every Useful Feature

It’s easy to get excited about using a new CRM system right away. However, you should first allow time for employees to learn it and master its features. When the end users don’t have the opportunity to educate themselves on the product or integrate potentially useful features into existing business processes, you’re not making the most of your CRM. Take some time to learn its features and how to implement anything that will foster improvements.

Not Measuring Metrics

It’s hard to know how well a CRM is — or isn’t — working without tracking metrics. While it may seem like a tedious task, measuring your CRM metrics will help you determine where your software is improving your business and customer relations. Keeping an eye on the metrics will also let you know which areas need improvement or if your CRM is useful at all.

Failing to Have a Plan for Your CRM

Even the best CRMs fail without a strategy for implementation and execution. Avoid developing bad CRM habits by figuring out what you want your new CRM to accomplish. Not only should it be compatible with your business processes and other software, but it should be scaleable and valuable to your customers and employees.

Contact LeadMaster for Your CRM Software

Choosing and implementing a CRM system is no easy task. To steer clear of implementation pitfalls and bad CRM practices, talk to the team at LeadMaster to learn more about your needs.

At LeadMaster, we’re proud to offer industry advice and expertise as well as customizable CRM software for today’s small and large businesses. Find out more about how CRM can help you grow your business and manage your customer relationships, or see the results for yourself when you try our software free for 30 days.

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